I, Robot
Damn was I having a reLi good weekend sLeep yesterday, it was so rejuvenating dat for a moment I tot I had been dreaming. Anyway for da whoLe morning I was doing some chores, which I haven been doing so for da past few weeks. Mopping fLoor was one of my speciaLities, dat I feLt I had a LeveL 99 experience aLready haha .. been doing it since secondary one coz my Mom's a workahoLic ; her off-days ain fixed, so it was Left to me and my Dad to do those stuff. She's onLy in charge of da Laundry. Haven reaLised dat da cLothes had been stacked up Like a hiLL on da sofa, itz been some time since we cLeared da cLean cLothes, and so we did.
Dat afternoon's been a fLop decision I made, choosing to pLay footbaLL before heading out to with Deb for
I,Robot. Guesz I'LL juz forgo footbaLL if I'm to go out on Sundays. Deb had been quite patient, for she had da whoLe day waiting, and it was 7.20pm aLready when I reached. Yes, da Late King, is Late again ..
Anyway, Deb was as gorgeous in her kaki overaLL as she is each time I saw her, but I tot she Looked better in tied hair. I was in a revoLutionist tee which was ironicaLLy in da same coLour genre as Deb's outfit, geez, we sure Looked urbanised. We got da 9pm sLot @ Shaw House before dinner-ing for some Thai food (Kenneth wud sure be jeaLous) down Far East. I tot I took da spice quite weLL, being a no-chiLLi animaL. Had Tom Yam soup and Beef Kway Teow. And Deb had an amazingLy BIG appetite man, gobbLed up a pineappLe fuLL of rice, some of my Kway Teow and aLmost 3/4 of da Tom Yam soup
LoL .. had a stroLL down Orchard for digestion purposes and got back to Shaw for da show.
I,Robot is cooL, but da cinema was even "cooLer". I wonder if Deb feLt coLd. Sent her home after dat and thank God I caught da Last bus, for my expenses had exceeded far more than I had cud reLi spend these days, though I had been expecting so. Yet it doesnt reLI matter, they say money is meant to be spent, to enjoy haha. Drop me some cash up there wiLL ya?
NevertheLess a wonderfuL Sunday evening it was ..