Thursday, July 29, 2004

If I Let You Go

Another day, yet da same shit .. man, da stupid radio juz aired one of my aLL-time cLassics in WestLife's If I Let U Go. Ain da best time to Listen to such a song, but it sure reminded me of a crush I had years back. Had a wonderfuL few months then, but sometimes things dun go da way u wan them to .. and datz juz Life and itz up to u to accept da harsh reaLity. I've seen Heather a whiLe back, and itz good to hear dat she's doing great, working as an air stewardess, have a stabLe Life and most importantLy being happy. Happiness? Yea .. itz watz everyone's working for ain it? But how many of us can be reLi happy and cooL about everything datz in motion, datz revoLving and datz going fast and furious? If everyone cud juz Live for da moment, in simpLicity, I guesz many things cud have been better off.