Thursday, July 15, 2004


Been some time since I Last visited Grandpa, and so I did today, for da first time since da Last exams back in ApriL. ActuaLLy Grandpa Lives juz dozens of bLocks away from my home. And I have been procrastinating tiL now. As I stepped into da same house, there he was, sitting on da same string chair as he did everytime I came. He sat up, saw me and gave a wide smiLe. It dun feeL good to see him Losing much of his mass as he grew weaker by da day and aLthough he din say much, I knew he was happy, and datz wat matters most. Losing Grandma years back is tough for Grandpa to take. I cud stiLL remember da LittLe coupLe tiffs they had when I was young, for tru out my primary skooL Life I've been staying wif them, untiL when I was secondary 3 dat my Grandma went away. And it changed Grandpa forever. How I wish I cud have spent more time wif him, and hopefuLLy he wiLL stay to watch my get married, have chiLdren and become successfuL.

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