Saturday, July 03, 2004
Been chatting on MSN aLL nite Long, as per a daiLy basis, and I suddenLy reaLised dat geez, itz been da past 3 years I've been doing so, da same oLd shit juz a different day. And itz been some time since I Looked back at some of da happenings tru out da past two years. SadLy, I ain been making wise decisions, some of which had caused hurt to others and frenships I'd aLways treasure. Sometimes things are juz inevitabLe dat u juz cant escape from it, Like matters of da heart and so. Itz even harder to forgive and forget things dat go against u. But aLL these has been done to someone so much yet forgave me with an open heart and accepted everything dat happened, and I cant heLp but feeL so bad deep inside. WeLL watz important now, is dat seeing dat she's Leading a happy Life, though watz done can never be undone. I reLi appreciate tis frenship of ours and reLi a miLLion thanks, Jean.
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