Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Day 2 (of a 6-month stint)

As I write this post, it juz shows how sLack I am being in this Teaching Enterprise Program, a 6-month training program instiLLed in the 3 year course of my Business dipLoma. Bored as it seems, stressfuL as it is, and it juz make duLL Life even duLL-er. No frenz though, but new frenz are made, and more to come. WeLL da busy times are coming soon in this stopover (we have 3 stopovers in this program) and hopefuLLy itz gonna give me some drive to move on with time. In my deparment as the Business DeveLopment, we are in charge of sourcing for suppLiers who are gonna consign us with their products for our proposed convenience store Like those 7-eLeven and Cheers kind. Itz somehow of a break from studies, yet show us the Life of being a working individuaL. WeLL i'LL stop here and add on Later.

.. continued
Today was a bit speciaL though, at Lunch break today, my SheiLey xue mei sudddenLy sms-ed me said she saw me, again. Da same as usuaL, aLways saw me yet nvr caLL me. Then say I dao .. but itz nice to hear from her every time I feeL sian coz she's aLways using cute Little words. And my PoLy kakee, PrisciLLa, aLso dropped by my room and chatted for a while. It was a cooL day today ..