Wednesday, December 27, 2006
It wiLL be one of the rare posts of 2007, but first and foremost, a message to aLL that I am weLL in Taiwan.
With a strength of 77 (equivaLent to two cLasses in skooL)in the Hengchun camp, it is Like a famiLy affair. WeLL, Ive found myseLf a home!
Every singLe moment is magicaL and dreamy juz Like in a game. You meet new peopLe .. you retrieve new stuff, you Learn new things, you see new things .. and you "LeveL-up"!
Juz hours earLier, an extraordinary event happened in the town of my camp - an earthquake of 6.7 magnitude on occurred. IronicaLLy, my department were in the heart of Hengchun town where the epicentre was. The group of us, together with some of the reguLar's wives and chiLdren (known as "妇帮") were enjoying a LittLe ceLebration for those returning home this month by having steamboat in a cosy restaurant on this day. Everything was cooL, right untiL 8-ish p.m .. the tabLe shook .. for once I thought someone was pLaying a prank. In a matter of spLit seconds, I saw the fLoor shaking as weLL. Now it ain no prank now.
The tremor increased in density, knocking off pLates and gLasses. I was utterLy stunned .. so are some LocaLs. ALL of us ran out of the two-storey buiLding to the middLe of the road because that is the safest away from danger.
Now, you reaLised the reason why most buiLdings in Taiwan are Low.
I couLd see fear in everyone's faces .. peopLe were screaming .. running .. crying .. motorbikes were toppLed .. Lamp posts shaking .. the neon signboards Looked fragiLe .. aLL for the next minute. Then it stopped.
We stayed in the middLe of the road .. then the second wave came .. now we were "safe" but from the risks of dropping posts and neon signboards. This time, the tremor din Last Long.
The camp officers made quick decision to return back to camp. On the road, it was another eye-opener of humanity. Some houses were cut of eLectricity and Lighting .. peopLe were either standing outside their homes, or sitting right at their doors. I saw a mother cuddLing her chiLd in her arms as if to comfort it ..
We were then back in Hengchun camp. For the next two hours, we were cut out of the media. At 9ish news had spread to Singapore. Mum caLLed. I reported my safety. But our job did not finish here. As embassadors to the two countries, we were activated to set up tentage outside a nearby Christian hospitaL. There, I saw another miracuLous event .. a baby was given birth to in a make-shift surgery room made out of an ambuLance!
For the Hengchun LocaLs, quake of such intensity was the first. It Left over 30 injured and a few dead, aLL in the town itseLf. This event aLso coincides with the 2nd anniversary of the Tsunami disaster! Geez .. but it was an amazing experience!
ALright just to Let you guys know I am stiLL aLive and kicking ..
LastLy a heartfeLt thanks for aLL the messages and concern during my depature on the 22th.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
What's beautifuL, has to end. So is the ugLy.
So reLieved having been encLosed in a no man's area for two fuLL days. OnLy you, and the guards. We watched teLevision, movies, took naps. Night wasnt good, you fight against the coLd, the mosquitoes and LoneLiness. The guards have their own bunk, I have mine a buiLding away. Thank god the handphone was invented, it was my onLy companion before sLeep.
Thats how the confinement went.
Hours before that on Friday, there was yet another wonderfuL gathering. Preparations was by far no easy feat having LittLe aid from the many busy friends and my Leave on that particuLar day that was revoked. Everything was so Last minute aLL because of my innocent foLLy in army.
At the most difficuLt moment, you know, onLy ur famiLy couLd heLp you .. My Mom got the utensiLs ready, my Dad wouLd be driving everything, my uncLe wouLd cook some food .. LuckiLy there was Yongren and Zhanrong to handLe the check-in ..
However since everyone din come as earLy as expected (except for Tsz Lun), things went smooth. Then as time ticked, more peeps arrived. After food came the highLight ; the tradition of christmas gift exchange .. I guess that event made up for the cockups.
This was a day of surprise for many, as some thought was MY birthday .. some said was MY gathering .. and some beLieved it was the event prior to my departure to Taiwan. For the Last time .. this ain MY chaLet. It beLonged to each and everyone even though my famiLy members came down. ApoLogies to the many that I did not inform about the attendance ..
In anyway, organising for the first time was an experience. I wouLd Love to gather more feedback for another one in two years' time.
I appreciate the turnout .. and am gratefuL to those who heLped out to make this gathering a " success".. most importantLy I am touched for the LiverpooL jersey that the Guys bought. Itz by far the best Christmas present I had for years and years to come.
Stay tuned for the photo gaLore ..
With regards to Christmas, having watched the movie "Santa CLause II" during my confinement in camp .. there was a scene whereby the schooL of teachers had an Xmas gathering which seemed Like a mourning affair. It reminded me of us - typicaL Singaporeans.
As age brings us aLong with time, the power of fantasy subsides. Just Like the existence of Santa and the spirit of Xmas. Yes, we know, we aLL know that Santa is a myth. But it is no excuse to forsake the spirit of Xmas. Singaporeans must Learn to improve the quaLity of Life, through the pure reaLisation that Life is that beautifuL!
When I'm back, I promise, a bigger gathering for MayfLower .. and I wiLL make up for the sucky parts of it.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
How wouLd you feeL if, for one moment, you were enjoying everything in this worLd and suddenLy you had to suffer next right away?
Itz terribLy horribLe .. to the max.
The Adidas-PP heLd an annuaL gathering at Downtown East from Tuesday. Juz the peopLe who turned out aLone have aLready done enough to Lift me to the highest spirits. The cLimax came on Wednesday evening, though, as the hardcore gamers take centre stage. Booze, mahjong, card games, wiLd music and endLess random photo-shooting are what went throughout the night!
Trust me, I have never handLed drunk peeps before .. and this night I Learnt. Itz amazing what aLcohoL can do to peopLe. Everyone wiLL think they are not drunk and then show very nice signs Like screaming .. dancing .. doing Lotsa very funny things, Like they do when they were young. Im reaLLy impressed. ALcohoL .. you rock.
And so as more peopLe got knocked out, I had to pLay the roLe of nanny. Put "chiLdren" to bed and hush them asLeep. Itz kinda fun .. though I was reaLLy drained at the end of a 48-hour event as HeLen's daughter, Debbie, hugged unto me and I cant move!
When I finaLLy got to Lie on bed at 9a.m Thursday, a caLL from camp came. They wiLL be charging me for AWOL in an hour. So without bidding the drunkards goodbye, I had to fucking grab my things and haiL a cab home, change and go back to camp.
A very vaLuabLe Lesson Learnt .. never assume for it kicks the Ass out of U and Me.
.. and so .. for the wonderfuL moments I created with the Adidas peeps, I paid having to burn my Leave from Friday to Sunday.
Now, do you know how it feeLs Like?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The marathon sure has taken a toLL on my usuaL physique .. so much so I had to struggLe to even waLk the first two days. WeLL now recovering, sure wouLd be Happy Feet for me!
From next Monday on, I wouLd be enjoying my Long awaited embarkation Leave, juz a mere dozen more days before I finaLLy say goodbye to aLL for one good year. No tears I promise ..
ALL set to go, everything that gotta be done, has been done .. and everything that has to be Left behind and forgotten, trust me, Im trying. HeLp me, by taLking not anything anymore about what has gone. Aye, if you guys think it dun prick to bring it up, Let me teLL u .. it does.
So .. Letz juz taLk about anything under the moon but yesterday. As they say "yesterday .. aLL my troubLes seem so far away .." Hmm .......
Tomorrow wiLL aLways be better, ain it?
It is ..
Sunday, December 03, 2006

More than just it ..
In the wee hours of the morning when everyone were enjoying sweet dreams, I woke up from sLeep, bathed, had a hot cereaL drink and set off. Out in the neighbourhood, a coupLe of Lights were on at some bLocks and for once you know .. this is the day, where runners gather. This is the day, where marathoners wiLL be born.
My best friend and I, we were one. We started together weLL. We ran as one .. but unfortunateLy He for once, became weak. At times when I persevered, He toLd me sorts ; it is Long way .. you cannot do it .. your knee is sore .. your cramps are coming up .. you need a break .. sLow down ..
On the other hand, I saw a caucasian coupLe standing by the barricades, cLapping the runners on. They cLapped as one .. at Marina South .. at East Coast .. throughout, they were there for you. And I bet they are great peopLe .. with them, I fought against Him. I waLked, took breaks, but I did not give up .. coming 5km to the end, I starved Him from a banana and water and toLd Him to have them onLy at the end of it.
So, hoLding a cup of 100-PLus on one hand and a banana on the other, and amidst the enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, I crossed the Finish Line with my best friend, Me.
There is Spiderman and Catwoman too! They were Ladies in their fifties. The inspiration characters of the day wiLL go to the woman who ran dragging a tyre tied to her waist .. and the oLd uncLe in his seventies of whom I ran the Last 200m aLongside with ..
The tyre-dragging woman had one message open to aLL .. itz something to do with recycLing. WhiLe the oLd man do not have any, he made sure I read an unsent signaL to aLL the younger runners who finished behind him. I said "weLL done, sir!" He panted, smiLed and forced a soft "thank you .." At the Finish Line, i saLuted him, and shook his hand. No, the honour wasnt his, it was mine. Some others acknowLedged his accompLishment through the same gesture.
So you see it ain juz a marathon .. this is the run for humanity.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Beach, Babes and (yet another) Burfday
The Sentosa affair was great; the high five of us turning out on the beach yet being overshadowed by the typicaL hunks and babes.
SurprisingLy, the goLf-cart of the Beach Babes & Hunks contest approached us! Okie .. I guess the two young Ladies needed a mixture of the best and the worst just Like aLL reaLity shows. Thus, I grabbed two scapegoats out of my boys to sign up ..
The Sun was beautifuL .. juz Like the curvy bodies scattered aLL around. Babes, Like I aLways say, is Like TV MobiLe - "Itz Everywhere".
EnjoyabLe fun tanning and frisbie with babe-watching. Datz it for the Sentosa affair.
Late noon, parted ways with the rest and headed for Suntec to coLLect the Long-awaited, for the event-of-the-year, the race pack for the Singapore Marathon 2006! In exactLy a week, the adrenaLine wiLL rush .. as 30,000 other peopLe wiLL run aLongside me.
Adidas sure is creative. If you guys have been sharp enough, notice the adverts on the marathon with thousands of reasons to run .. two of which impressed me being "I've aLways Luv guys chasing me .." and the other, "I've put it off Long enough .." The Latter showed the picture of a man kneeLing, proposing to his girL right at the finish Line ..
What is my reason to run? WeLL, first and foremost, to shut some peopLe (who think I'm crazy to run) up. I wiLL compLete the course. SecondLy, I want those behind me to catch me if they can ..
Confident eh! Nahh .. my primary objective, is juz to finish the marathon.
Next up was Last minute present-shopping and attending yet another burfday bash at Pasir Ris.
Siqi turns 21 ..
WeiLin brought her 1-haLf year oLd daughter aLong. Her name is Qiqi .. she sees a boy, greeted him "kor kor" .. she sees Siqi's Dad, greeted him "uncLe" .. she sees me .. siLence.
.. I'm stiLL curious about that siLence ..
TiL then, I wiLL be back again.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

from Left - Me, Renee, CaroL, Mic, Benson and Gwen.

Burfday Babe and FamiLy
Renee's Day
Juz days after a LittLe ceLebration for Joanne .. Renee's BIG 21 was up on this day @ The Princess's PLace.
UntiL today as I revisited the house where I came once before earLier in March did I reaLise how much these peeps brought to my finaL semester in PoLy .. we stuck together, scraped tests and projects (as aLways) and shared Lotsa Laughter .. it was no wonder the burfday princess was exhiLarated at the sight of our presence and gave us a teddy hug each!
UntiL today, I started missing the good oLd days .. thank you, my "Monday to Saturday" (Renee, CaroL, Gwen, MicheLLe, May and HazeL) ..
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
The best things are happening to me .. but why so Late!
To the Legendary MaLays of Sengkang who made me reaLise what beautifuL footbaLL is about, thank you.
To Mr. WiLLiam who has juz "bought one getting many free" in time to come .. congrats, and thank you too, for bringing up The Team you beLieved in, and for seeing The Team grow throughout these years.
A "paparazzi" news update on a great guy of The Team : someone is recentLy attached .. from my heart, I am happy for you.
I foresee a spLendid pooL of exciting events to come before my departure to somewhere new ..
For aLL you guys out there, dun juz pLain think of doing something, make it happen.
Saturday, November 11, 2006

10th November - When Two Become One
Ask me .. and I wiLL teLL you everything that happened on this day ..
Ask me about the nightmare wisdom teeth extraction this day that ignited a sore that I had to endure ..
Ask me about WiLLiam & Irene 's BIG DAY @ HiLton HoteL that ended in a fairytaLe ..
Ask me about having to admire whiLe the rest are fucking enjoying the cuisine at the wedding banquet .. and being unabLe to smiLe at the camera (not that I dun wanna smiLe ok?) ..
Ask me about the Hyatt HoteL incident at 3a.m amidst the dim Light by window, a siLhoeutte of a "Live sex" (itz true, and they cant stop shaking for thirty minutes at the open window!) .. as seen by the few of us guys across the road at the bus stop ..
Ask me about the cab driver which keep Laughing to himseLf with the four of us in the cab amused and for Yongren, sheLLshocked and worried, being the Last man to aLight from the unusuaL journey home.
I wiLL teLL you every singLe detaiL on this speciaL day ..
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
The Team went into a match which ended in a victory .. to the French expats. Sick of my performance in footbaLL these days .. from a pLayer of potentiaL, to a good pLayer, and now not even worthy of fairLy good.
Where'd the spark gone to? Everything is going Left .. not right that is.
FootbaLL aside. The product from OSIM, iGaLLop, is more or Less Like my footbaLL. It is by far a joke .. or you can caLL it the Sex Toy of the Century. Saw it at the roadshow in WoodLands with the promoters on it and the onLy picture that comes to mind is the exercise on bed.
OSIM - OnLy Sex In Mind ..
It sure wouLd be a great acquisition for former U.S President BiLL CLinton, but definiteLy not his successor the Bush guy. That guy is far more interested in bombs, oiL, 9/11, excuses and of coz Saddam Hussein.
Bush owns the Last Laugh now, as verdict has finaLLy come to hang the former Iraqi Leader.
Then again .. does anyone give a damn?
Sorry Im feeLing sick ... S.I.C.K.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006

A rare free weekday to catch the show @ The Cathay ..
Ends pLacing a question wide open .. wouLd you give up ur own Life to save another when situation occurs?
No one wouLd.
Not unLess you are the coast guard or fireman. ProfessionaLism we caLL it, but it takes more than just that to make these a profession.
I caLL it sacrifice for pure humanity.
Monday, October 23, 2006
My Sunday's pLans were shifted to accomodate for Mummy Khing's emergency caLL-up to work at the adidas roadshow, which means no swim or Man Utd vs. LiverpooL in the evening in exchange for a LittLe over fifty bucks. Venue @ MiLLenia WaLk. Event - the coLLection of race packs for the participants of the run.
However, the roadshow experience was one to remember. Met the Legends of adidas PPs with Miko, EtheL and Sharin, aLL of whom were ex-adidas coLLeagues there for the two-day event. Now, there's not even a need to arrange for catching-up sessions aLready!
ALso knew some Great Eastern peeps there to introduce their products, thus aLLowing myseLf to know that industry much better for it couLd be my future job. But again, probabLy wouLd be a matter-of-surviving job for a guy Like me when you see that these women are born with good Looks and a sweet Lip. They fetch at Least $2k, depending on performance, and their quaLifications are not the Least reLated to the industry! Margaret, 22, major in Accountancy .. AsiLa, 25, major in I.T .. Jasmine, 23, major in Engineering .. and they are aLL getting $2k++ for a job which they never had to study for.
ALright, Letz just face it .. sex seLLs. FemaLe financiaL advisers are basicaLLy attracting market of aLL sizes. Women feeL more comfortabLe to communicate with women themseLves on their needs, and men, needLess to say ..
But it wouLd be a great chaLLenge shouLd I take the route of this industry. StiLL, going back to retaiLing with adidas is very much in my mind.
Last but not Least, sporty women are so god damn attractive ..
Sunday, October 22, 2006
And so I asked him .. "ehh Dad, you never work today ah?"
He said .. "ehh, you do duty untiL dunnoe what day is today ah?"
Then I reaLised .. itz DeepavaLi. If you transLate to Mandarin, its 你爸骂你 a.k.a Your Dad scoLd you.
.. so ironic. Anyway Happy DeepavaLi to aLL indians out there nameLy PritpaL, Prit and PaL.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Missing Paris ..
A short stay of two weeks in Europe back in May, it was untiL recentLy that I reaLise I was there .. aLright EiffeL, I missed you. The next time, I assure to come with the right person and save you from giving the Loner comfort every singLe day back then. Between now and then tiL we meet again, stay in one piece ..
Friday, October 13, 2006
"Do we really really need frens in our lives?
But the problem is do we need them?
Seriously we came by on this earth alone and left behind everything alone as well.
After the end of the journey, we too; never keep them by our side.
As such, will my conclusion be right?
Or was I swayed yet again by the confusion?"
*copyright extract from a sweet but rude Lady's bLog*
The miLLion doLLar question has a priceLess answer ..
We NEED frenz.
You know you are reduced to nothing without them. You know you cant do without them ..
They are the spices of your Life .. bitter sweet, hot and coLd, they make up who you are and wiLL be.
ALright I onLy have an answer but to see beyond the answer, you gotta Look at frenz with the answer and probabLy you wiLL agree with me.
Or maybe the debate's gonna be on soon between you and me. I am prepared ..
True frenz wiLL not give u their wings but teach you how to fLy .. they wiLL not give you attention but watch over you from far .. they may not be abLe to give you much advice but Lend you a ear which may be spoiLt from proLonged hearing of whining!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
First, the decision of my overseas posting .. *drum roLLs*
.. I am seLected (subjected to medicaL) ....
ALright nothing surprising. In anyway, I appreciate that some of the cLosest peopLe to me, objected. To name a few, Mom, Guo Ann, Jaz .. Yes I wouLd be missed right? ALways knew it ..
But, Like I aLways say, to Live, you gotta Live Life to itz fuLLest, or eLse what can you teLL ur chiLdren what you have done or seen and experienced? Or your grandchiLdren when they come into your Life one day? No man .. I want them to see me as a coLourfuL Dad or Grandad, juz Like how I see mine ..
Grandpa's been bedridden for two years now I think ..
When I was LittLe about four or five, he was an enthusiastic and joviaL man, a cook and a short-stint as a coffeeshop owner in Hougang Avenue 8. Those days, every morning, we wouLd go down for a bowL of porridge and hot MiLo (iced one was disaLLowed due to my chiLdhood asthma) downstairs. Ask anyone in the neighbourhood, and they wouLd teLL u about this Loudspeaker who cant seem to keep his voLume down. When I went to Primary SchooL, he retired permanentLy .. and every day he wouLd bring me to schooL. As Mom was working, I had resided at Grandpa's pLace for most of my primary schooL days. You couLd say I was the Luckiest grandson those days .. everyday having great food for Lunch and dinner, those Hainanese-styLe soup which you wiLL never get to taste outside. I did not understand what warmth my grandparents gave me as a notorious young boy. Took everything for granted and untiL when Grandma was gone in secondary schooL things changed. Grandpa became quieter by the days, months and years.
Maybe that was why I Lost my academic exceLLence after that. I was top five for five years and scored 231 in PSLE. Secondary schooL onwards was a disaster .. poor grades Led me to arts stream in secondary three and then I sLept for two years before fLunking my O's scoring a 28 pointer and earning a year back in schooL. ALthough I finaLLy got into PoLytechnic the foLLowing year in Business, resuLts were either scraped through, or red in coLour. Thus, took four years for an average piece of DipLoma with fucked up grades.
WeLL that was aLmost two decades in aLL. Last weekend I visited my Aunt's for dinner. Grandpa was in bed. Greeted him, toLd him,
"Gong, I am Ah Long .. Ah Long ah .."
Staring at me, I gave up hope thinking he couLd recognise the current me in G.I Joe hairstyLe .. but then he mumbLed,
"I know .."
Geez, my Grandpa's stiLL strong!
.. Jaz been reminding me of him and urging me to forgo the overseas attachment. I had second thoughts for once, but not anymore.
StiLL, I Love him and respect him in my heart aLL the time, for without this man, I probabLy wouLd not have been abLe to see the worLd, the unknown.
I have to go ..
8th December ; that wouLd be the day ..
Friday, October 06, 2006
Come December, the guy that has brought you fun, Laughter, anger, sorrow or any form of Life entertainment, wiLL no Longer be avaiLabLe for your service.
Not for the next one year ..
It wouLd be good in a personaL perception, for Leaving this isLand wouLd give me ampLe space and fresh air.
SadLy, Im gonna Leave behind everything, and by the time one year's up, everything's gonna change. It wouLd be better, I think ..
Too earLy to ponder the unecessary. Monday is judgement day .. whether or not they post me to Taiwan, fingers crossed.
Juz Let me go La .. haha.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Summer has come and past .. The innocent can never Last ..
Today is so much a wonderfuL day to be - ChiLdren's Day .. SheiLey's burfday .. and some day to remember ..
As the TotaL Defence beLL rung at noon sharp (as it did on the first of every month), a tinge of freshness overcame me. So soothing, I wished it couLd Last an eternity.
Great things to foLLow maybe? HopefuLLy so. ShaLL keep my fingers crossed.
P.S : Happy burfday to you, dear 学妹 .. 终于度过了teenage 的日子了!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Today caught a rare weekday movie by Jackie Chan. SupposedLy to be screened on the 29th but Mom had a sure-win Lucky dip days back. So the preview pass ended in my hands *hiak hiak* ..
The 7p.m show was quite rush .. I brought aLong my civiLian cLothes to the army camp but ended up with not enought time to change at aLL!
Okie 4 out of 5 popcorns for this. AdditionaL haLf for the cute baby that starred. I swear I am gonna have a baby boy in time to come.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
A week in a new environment, another phrase of the NationaL Service. BMT had aLready been history .. now comes unit Life, and aLL I can say is .. it sucks.
After the morning soccer game on this sunny Sunday with bright sunshine, CarL's Junior was next for Lunch with the guys, foLLowed by a waLk around Suntec City, CityLink, WheeLock PLace, Wisma Atria, Takashimaya, HMV, Centrepoint, Orchard Point, PLaza Singapura and back to Takashimaya (for the ONE Bengawan SoLo mooncake) .. sure is good training for the Standard Chartered marathon come 3rd December.
HighLight of the day was bumping into Secondary schooL peeps - Wen Lai (Brunei), Jia Ling and Baoyu. Not once, but twice. WeLL, Orchard Road, what eLse can you expect other than come across famiLiar faces.
Nothing much to jot ..
To bed for now, as aLL of us embark on yet another week, unsurprisingLy doing the same shit for most, praying for something new to happen aLong the week ..
Come wat may ..
Monday, September 18, 2006

Lost count when the Last time was that I set foot into a cinema but yesterday I did.
BeLieve me, this is worth $9.50 ..
Had neither cLue nor any idea what this movie was about even as I booked the tickets onLine .. untiL the person who got me to watch this, briefLy toLd me Like 30min before screening?
ALright, it reminded me of peopLe who changed once they stepped foot into the working society. Everyone do not reaLise the drastic change in themseLves untiL things they once had started to vanish LittLe by LittLe. WeLL, maybe thatz juz Life ..
Anyway thankew for the nice evening and sorry for being Late .. again.
To aLL you Ladies out there, pLease spend some time to thank your parents who bore you as a SHE. NationaL Service sucks big time .. With $350 per month, I ain sure how Long more before having to face my financiaL crisis.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Ok spent a good Saturday on footbaLL and Lotsa cycLing in the rain aLL around Ang Mo Kio estate.
Was good coz years have gone by since the Last time I took a cLoser Look at the pLace where wonderfuL moments of joy were created especiaLLy the ground which I wouLd cLassify as "hoLy" - MayfLower Secondary SchooL.
As I stood outside the same oLd bus stop and peered into the newLy buiLt compound, memories fLowed right inside my head, the oLd metaL gates .. the "gathering" area where we spent our freetime pLaying chapteh and pLastic baLL .. the parade square, and 45-degrees to the right wouLd be the basketbaLL court where the current crop of Messina Greats FootbaLL CLub pLayers were bred. The canteen is another spot of vivid memories .. juz ask the ex-students. The toiLets are yet another pLayground for the boys ; water hose and taps .. and not forgetting the big fire hose that sprays water across up to three cLassrooms Long! This fact is onLy known to my victims.
Now, it is but an open fieLd ..
Those were the days .. bet u had your share of moments too ..
In Singapore, more often than ever is that for progress, the things that you grew up with are sacrificed. Yes, we are aLL growing up ..
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A good evening footbaLLing session was spent with the usuaL MaLay peeps in Sengkang, on the basketbaLL court Located right beside Audrey's bLock.
As aLways, every good thing has to end, and it was when 10p.m came. Lights off, foLLowed by appLause and praise from everyone. Then I bade goodbye, and the next thing I thought of was to quench my bLoody thirst, with the onLy product that I Like and wouLd drink - NutriSoy's soya miLk (priced $1.05).
I reached for my pouch and dug out the shiLLings .. 3 ten-cents, 1 fifty and a twenty. Fuck, Im short of five cents! The onLy other stuff inside that pouch was my mobiLe phone and bunch of house keys.
I cursed my Luck, or rather, my own foLLy. There were at Least a dozen five cent coins Left on the Living room tabLe before I Left home. It was another case of so-near-yet-so-far .. under the unbearabLe condition of thirst, I started to understand the true vaLue of five cents.
You cannot buy a tee-shirt of $36 if you onLy have $35.95 .. you cannot run a marathon of $75 if you onLy have $74.95 .. and it goes on and on ..
Five cents, that petty puny LittLe goLd coin which never seemed to be of any importance, has since became a respectabLe icon to my Life that night.
This morning .. two hours ago ..
Same shit different day it was. I woke up, turned my computer on, and went to wash up. Looked around the kitchen and there was no more bread. OnLy food Left is instant noodLes and no way am I gonna have that for breakfast ..
So, decided to make a trip to the grocery just buiLdings away. Put on my tee, grabbed a doLLar coin and yes, those five cent coins shouLd make up for the remainder for a Sunshine Loaf of bread.
Out of the house, a short waLk and I am there at the grocery. Picked up the bread .. and advanced proudLy to the storekeeper.
"Auntie, how much (for the bread) ah?"
.. "$1.40"
ProudLy, I took out the shiLLings, counted for a moment, exactLy $1.40, and handed to her.
"Eh Boy ah, sorry hor, Auntie dun accept five cents .."
.. had to waLk to NTUC supermarket instead.
Back to square one with my perception on five cents.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Today was the officiaL Passing Out day. I am now a Private.
It marks the end of the training, and for many of us, it wouLd be the Last time we see one another.
Where therez a start, there'd be an end. But most peopLe dun reaLise that the end is juz the door to a new beginning.
Where do I go from here? I dunnoe .. yet. Gonna take these two weeks for some reLaxation therapy from everything.
Itz surprising to come back home and therez no one ; my parents are in China aLong with my LittLe sis, and my two active brothers are both out to nowhere. WeLL, at Least I have everything for myseLf *grins* ..
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
And so my B.M.T is ending in Like some days time?! Shit .. Life sure goes past that fast ..
Yea it sure did.
This is, to me, not training to be a soLdier, but an experience to remember. My mates, they were once boys .. and after seven weeks of Living together, they are ... stiLL boys.
WeLL, thatz the main objective of the Singapore Arm Forces for the Pes C - not to train, but to experience.
This week was outstanding!
There was Live range where night firing Looked Like those in Star Wars, route march (8km "waLk" onLy as compared to 24 for the rest), the Games Day and Recruits Evening where we partied aLL night Long.
Being the second fastest man in my company, I was automaticaLLy seLected to run in the Chain of Command. It was an honour to run aLongside my company's commanders .. and good thing did not juz end here ; mayB to some it is but excess weight to their aLready heavy FuLL BattLe Order, but nothing beats being the fLag bearer during the route march waLking aLongside the OveraLL Commander.
I wiLL never forget the moments where my 200-men strong company cheered as I ran for 2oom .. I wiLL never forget being among the eLites of the company even though we're aLL Pes C status .. and I wiLL never forget the peopLe who gave me everything I need to be a better man.
ULysses Co. .. U are the best and off the rest.
******************* END OF ARMY WAYANG-ING **********************
Fuck it .. nothing excites anymore.
Tired .. I need a fresh chaLLenge.
.. and I miz you.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
HighLight of the week goes to EtheL's 21st burfday bash @ East Coast chaLet ..
There were great food, babiLicious babes, booze, same oLd adidas peeps, Lots of Laughter and a goodbye hug from EtheL's feLLow Long-standing fren cum hardcore cLubber, Veronica.
Step out and enjoy ur aduLthood, Miss Dowager!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The reLease from Tekong IsLand "prison" after fourteen days made me reaLise how beautifuL Singapore reLi is .. the first step onto the mainLand was Like, heavenLy. The air, seemed to be that of an enchanted garden ..
Looking back ..
On the very first day, with my haversack, I arrived in Pasir Ris interchange. Everyone brought aLong their Love ones - parents, girLfriends and even grandparents! It din reLi bother me much even as peopLe Looked surprised that this boy came aLone. Onto the coach, and to the SAF Ferry terminaL. From there, the fastcraft (which ain reLi that fast), carried the to-be recruits to the IsLand they wouLd caLL "home" for the next few months.
The camp, sure Looked Like a fucking chaLet .. itz juz unbeLievabLe to overhear a retarded remark from a mother who said "I thought got aircon one?" .. wtf .. ProbabLy she havent reaLised that she is in an army camp.
And so, the Love Ones Left after the Lunch, Leaving their sons, boyfriends and grandchiLdren. The recruits then coLLected their miLitary stuff and by dinner, settLed down aLready, aLL donning in Zidane's hairdo.
Lucky me that my company's buiLding faces the sea and right across in a distance is the mainLand .. you can see the Changi Airport tower and even the Suntec City area!
Near, yet far.
So days passed .. and each day is speciaL. You Learn :
1. to accept the reaLity a.k.a "jaiL sentence"
2. to bear with ocassionaL Loud snoring in the middLe of the night
3. to wake up at 0530 and turn in at 2230 every singLe day
4. to cuLtivate an immunity against aLL forms of vuLgarities thrown at you
5. to bLoody teach young boys how to be independent
6. to fuck the bLur cocks before they fuck the whoLe pLatoon up and then everyone end up getting fucked
7. to cLassify peopLe who you can trust and cant
8. to stand as a neutraL and average party who is neither exceLLent nor fucked up
However you get to hear great words every now and then too. An exampLe, in my company, we're Pes C status, which means everyone has sort of medicaL history and peopLe tend to discrimate the group. Thus, the company commander toLd us that physicaLLy we're Pes C, but our mentaLity muz be better than Pes A and that wud shut the fuckers up.
ALso, as a status Pes C recruit, we have basicaLLy nothing to fight for. Thus, aLmost everyone are juz taking things easy and there are zero poLitics going on. What do I mean by poLitics? In miLitary terms, itz known as "wayang", or simpLy buiLding pubLic reLations with the commanders. You wiLL see that in Pes A and B batch, reruits are out to impress to get into the Leadership courses. UgLy reaLity ..
WeLL, fooLs they are. Do they think that the commanders were not once recruits?
Another unforgettabLe image was when my pLatoon marched aLong the coast and across the sea is the mainLand. The pLatoon commander asked "Do you guys know where that is?"
"Singapore!" .. everyone shouted.
The pLatoon commander smiLed back and said "No .. itz Freedom."
Sure is .. especiaLLy every other minute through the window in your bunk you see jetpLanes fLy past the sea and Landing in Singapore and the ferries come and go from the jetty.
It wouLd be juz another eight hours before I am to be back to the IsLand again. TiL then, ciaoz and take care everyone.
Friday, July 21, 2006
To those who have sent their regards for my enListment, thank you so much. Itz the Least expected and Im gratefuL .. Lawrence, Gwen, SheiLey, Joanne, Jaz, DaryL (indirectLy), ShirLey @ adidas and others who Ive faiLed to name .. reLi appreciate.
To you who has aLways been standing by me .. thankew. Take care coz itz onLy two weeks I suppose ..
Cya guys in a fortnight's time. I'LL be back ..
Thursday, July 20, 2006
And so my time has come, tomorrow at 0800 hours.
Expecting major changes ..
1. Being baLd.
2. Having to mix with young boys (at 22, I am to be one oLd soLdier in there)
3. A totaLLy different LifestyLe.
4. No punk pLay anymore.
5. Growing up ..
It may be juz three weeks before I come back to the sunny isLand once again, but it'd be two years doing the same shit .. datz it .. goodbye oLd Life .. oLd me.
.. and no more boxers for two years .. wat the heLL .. i am to wear those v-shaped undies again. !@#$%^ !!!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
"The past is over and done with.
Some may be sorry to see it gone.
WhiLe others rejoice at the changes that have been made.
And there wiLL be more changes stiLL in the future,
For the cycle of Life aLways moves forward.
The past is gone except for men's memories."
- Dannie, adidas.
.. retaiL is more than juz saLes. At Least, being in adidas suntec with a wonderfuL bunch of peeps.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
This moment, I am at Pasir Ris Costa Sands resort, standing by the free internet kiosk whiLe the rest of the Adidas peeps are having fun catching up with one another. This moment, I can see Dereck doing dirty dancing. This moment, Mummy Khing is Laughing watching the dance cLip caught on video. This moment, Christine is sitting aLongside Miko having booze and eating cup noodLe ..
This moment .. wiLL be past ..
Monday, June 26, 2006
In KuaLa Lumpur's Times Square, there is an internaL theme park. In this theme park there is this ride ..
It spins and then it spins faster and faster, forcing the person beside you to squeeze you to the side. This day, I embarked on this ride for the first time ..
As it spun and with Her into me onto the side, I Laughed .. and Laughed .. and Laughed ..
Was it becoz of Her hair that keep sLapping into my face? Or was it coz I thought She was heavy? I reLi dunnoe. I juz cant stop Laughing!
Damn this ride is good. Come to think of it, itz been ages since I Last Laughed Like that.
And throughout the ride, I was Laughing. My abdomen was strained at the end of it ..
.. and She thought I was crazy.
So, before we went off, we rode on it again. The same thing happened. I cant stop Laughing!
Anyway Happy 21st Burfday to You. Thank you for everything.
Monday, June 19, 2006

Nuff said about my Europe trip .. my finaL destination was Frankfurt and it took me another unforgettabLe experience to reach there. From Stuttgart, I boarded the right train, but aLighted at the wrong city! And so I had to expLore Maine for a coupLe of hours before the next train that came aLong for Frankfurt.
Using the same ticket which was not "right" .. I boarded in hope the ticketing officer wiLL not come to me asking for my ticket. FYI, re-purchase of a train ticket wiLL cost me another 30 euros = SGD 60 .. no way am I gonna pay for that. And so my worst fear came, the ticketing officer appeared in my cabin. If she finds out I wouLD have juz bLoody taLked to her in EngLish and act bLur. And so .. she took the ticket, took a quick gLance, chopped it, and returned to me, stiLL praying hard.
CLose shave.
And so the concLusion, Germans are simpLe-minded, and itz darn true.
Being back in Singapore was a revoLution in a personaL point of view .. I was back to work at adidas, together with a coupLe of other matters to settLe. Seems Like every decision I have to make wiLL mouLd what my Life wouLd become .. but regrets are not part of my Life.
To have done and faLLen, you Learn. To have never done and never faLLen, you regret.
To me, Life is aLL about triaL and errors. I mean, wat have you gotta Lose anyway?
RecentLy, I'm gLad I've the chance to taLk to a few peopLe Like my store manager, EiLeen, and of course SheiLey. It made me Look at many things in a very different perspective and open my teeny mind. I thank them ..
ALso met quite some new peopLe in adidas who brought so much happiness to working, probabLy coz I have to quit in a month for the government caLLup (finaLLy) ..
These days, I've witnessed so many probLematic reLationships. Hearing is bad enough, but to experience it is even worse. Just today, whiLe I was waiting for bus home from Pasir Ris, a Lady was pressured over the phone by her boyfriend for not meeting him up .. and then near my house I saw a coupLe in their Late twenties arguing, and the guy came out with the F-word on her.
Good gracious, do peopLe know how to handLe and maintain heaLthy reLationships not? I may have faiLed once, but I have Learnt so much so that it wouLd be so difficuLt to err again.
Patience is the key.
Anyway in most cases, there wiLL aLways be an exceLLent "giver" and a "taker", depending on who Loves the other more.
So juz Like a see-saw, reLationships can never have a perfect baLance. One side wiLL have to be up and the other, down. It wouLd be nice to see both parties enjoying the ride, but the "giver" wiLL aLways be trying to controL the see-saw to make the "taker" happier and excited.
I wonder .. when wiLL the "taker" do the same?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Leaving Paris was a screwed experience, too. I missed the fLight becoz I arrived five minutes Late. No compLaints about it coz I simpLy oversLept. Thus hung around in Paris city for another two days before I successfuLLy embarked into a new worLd - DeutschLand.
City where I arrived .. Stuttgart, and it was aLready aLmost midnight when I set foot on it. Yet another chaLLenging experience. To be aLone carry two Luggages wandering in an unknown Land speaking an unknown Language .. weLL I aLways have EngLish Language to survive on. It took me an hour to find my way out of the Stuttgart airport to the German raiL network and to the Youth hosteL. I can stiLL remember the receptionist that night - Mr. DarreL, a bLack American guy who moved to Germany 25 years before my arrivaL.
Mr. DarreL is a typicaL German, speaks simpLe EngLish, does routine stuff. But that night, he did something out of the German way. F.Y.I, Germans are very Law-abiding .. on roads even without cars, the peopLe wiLL stiLL wait for the fLashing Green Man. Take for exampLe, DaryL Marc who was totaLLy infLuenced by the German Life. I was aLready haLfway across the road and he is stiLL dreaming of the fLashing Green Man.
Man, wat more can I say but send my gratitute to him for aLLowing me to sLeep in a four-men bedroom on my own becoz the first room I went was occupied by snoozers who snoozed so Loud, I Left the room as soon as I opened it.
And so my first night in Stuttgart, sLeeping in a room aLL on my own. I couLd do everything so freeLy .. waLk naked, shower without having to shut the door and Leave my stuff aLL around .. juz for that night.
DaryL Marc wouLd be here in Stuttgart by evening to "visit" me from his town two hours trainride away the next day.
to be continued ..
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
At aLL times in our Singaporean minds, Paris is a beautifuL city .. The EiffeL Tower .. Notre Damm Church .. The Arc .. Champs-ELysee .. Luis Vuitton .. romantic evenings ..
Yes. everything that you have imagined, are true for they are what I have seen, but not wat I have experienced.
When I came back, I toLd Mummy Khing, that Paris ain as beautifuL as we aLL can imagine, so dirty, fuLL of shit (its true). PeopLe pee on streets in broad dayLight, dogs can poo at any corner except on grass patches and damn dry, dusty air. On any freezing Late night, standing by a corner on the street whiLe waiting for ur frenz to come back from pubbing, you are deemed as a suspected drug addict. You get fuLL bodychecked by the patroLLing LocaL poLice who confidentLy thought they are gonna find something, ended up finding no drugs but some EiffeL Tower keychains, and Last but not Least getting accused of being the seLLer of the keychains. Man, I may be yeLLow-skinned, but I am not any desperate for money or drugs.
They have got it aLL wrong, compLeteLy and totaLLy.
That night, my worst night in Life I swear. I have never been as humiLiated as before. If they think the coLd wasnt enough, I thank them for giving me so much to make history in a chapter of my Life.
Fucking French cops.
Maybe I am not in the right pLace at aLL. Paris ain the pLace for Lone rangers.
Mummy Khing said, "The beauty of Paris can onLy been seen through the eyes of the Love one .."
Nuff said.
But my week in Paris ain spoiLed by juz one night. I enjoyed pLaying footbaLL with the French men; they are good, passionate peopLe. I joined a group of boys near EiffeL Tower that day and it was interesting to see more peopLe joining as evening arrives, kids of five or six years, peopLe who kuz knocked off from work, juz finished Lessons and they came to pLay, juz to pLay.
FootbaLL, became the common Language.
One asked if I am BraziLian. I said no, Im from Singapore and I cud see a question mark as high as EiffeL Tower Looming above his head. WeLL, no French wiLL know where Singapore is unLess it was by accident they had to use magnifying gLass for Geography Lesson. Either that, or they have very good generaL knowLedge.
Paris evenings ain that speciaL, juz normaL. You see coupLes spending quaLity time together .. you see big groups of frenz coming together catching up with one another .. you see a very beautifuL sky which you cannot see anywhere eLse in Singapore .. but, you feeL juz Like a video recorder. Itz aLL but recorded inside my head.
to be continued ..